Privacy Policy

With the Privacy Policy, we will explain where and how the personal data of all registered users are stored on our website. This Privacy Policy applies only to and subdomains owned by If there is a link that links you to other websites, we do not take any responsibility for the protection of personal data provided by those websites.

Every user when registering and purchasing, declares that they are familiar and agree with our Privacy Policy.

If you register, all personal data you enter via the registration form will be used for the purpose of product delivery, payment, as well as advertising products and services provided by us, if you have selected this option and are stored in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Law and are not disclosed to third parties.

Personal information about an individual may include the following:

  • Name and surname
  • Email
  • Delivery adress
  • Phone number

The data that we collect and store with us, will not be published, sold, or submitted to a Third Party except to the competent authorities in a manner determined by the legal regulations of the Republic of Nоrth Macedonia.

SAPIENTIA MEDICI reserves the right to use IP addresses and other user data to reveal its identity in the event of Law Enforcement and Legal Procedures.

You can change, update or correct incorrect Personal Data and information at any time.

With the exception of data of a financial nature, all data we collect from the website are for our exclusive use (customer relations, order tracking, etc.) and are not passed on to other parties for any reason. We do not collect any information of a financial nature, such as card number, etc.

Credit card and bank account data will be stored and used only by NLB Banka AD Skopje and Halk Banka AD Skopje in order to collect products / orders by performing a transaction. The transaction for payment of the product is redirected and processed through the credit card collection portal of NLB Banka AD Skopje and Halk Banka AD Skopje. The portal uses modern Data Protection, and all processes take place through a secure connection with the Bank.

Minors may not provide Personal Data without the consent of a parent or guardian, and we undertake not to intentionally collect or use Data from minors. We take all safety measures to protect the Personal Data of customers to minimize the risk of unauthorized access and misuse.

SAPIENTIA MEDICI website uses “cookies“ to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyze our traffic. Without them, the website will not work properly, and you will not be able to see many options. “Cookies” are small text files that are written to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies store information about your web browser settings, such as language, font size, and the fact that you have already visited certain pages. That way, you don’t have to republish them when you visit the same page again. Some of the cookies are necessary for the functioning of the site, and some are also used to collect statistics.

With the help of such files, the movement of the visitors on the page is monitored, and in that way, Data is collected on how to optimize and improve the functionality of the page. These files are not linked to your personal information.

SAPIENTIA MEDICI will use all information entered in the cookies exclusively for the needs of the web service or for statistical purposes in a way that your privacy will not be endangered. If your personal information is to be entered in the cookies, this will be with your prior consent. More information on what “cookies” are and what types they are can be found here.